Petition to Repeal HB1261 (General Assistance Budget Cuts)
has been established where those with ON-LINE / INTERNET access can sign on at Those without internet access may request hardcopy petition forms from the Harmonious Volunteer Center, 2703 West Silver Street, Philadelphia, PA 19132 or Email:
To whom it may concern:
Innovative Treatment Alternative, Inc. is a 501 (C)(3) non-profit corporation established in 1992. Our mission is to reduce relapse and recidivism among persons involved in the behavioral health, criminal justice and shelter systems. We want to help to repeal the legislation that cut General Assistance to 70,000 PA residents.
These cuts put the states most vulnerable adults at-risk to be victimized by those who once depended on $205 monthly to pay rent, provide transportation as well as purchase basic necessities. It directly affects persons taking care of non related dependent children. It negatively affects D&A treatment and the recovery process. It leaves people with mental and physical disabilities without a safety net while they are waiting for SSI or SSD determination. Single battered women are more vulnerable because they aren’t eligible for funds. We have joined with Harmonious Volunteer Center, Insight Coaching & Training, Good Shepherd Presbyterian Church, Act Up Philadelphia, Wedge Recovery Centers and countless other faith-based and grassroots organizations whose constituencies are adversely affected.